
What in the world is

No Matter What For Life

No Matter What is all about support for marriage and family. We are 24/7/365 Christ Followers who have been married for 36 years. We have 2 grown children and 3 grandchildren. We have been helping people with their relationships since marriage counseling saved our marriage in 1993.

We believe that a marriage relationship in trouble can be saved No Matter What. Please understand that does not mean that betrayal, infidelity, or any form of abuse is “okay”, it is definitely not. What it does mean, though, is that with counseling, and often times professional medical or psychiatric help marriages can overcome, heal from and become stronger… even after the devastation of that sort of damage.

Our heart is for those of you who are on a journey to walk more closely with God in your relationships. We want to partner with you by providing the Christian, Bible-based relationship tools, godly encouragement & support necessary to grow closer to Him and each other along the way.

We focus on marriage health, both before and during marriage, as well as fostering communication between spouses, and between parents & their children (young or grown!)

Our website is in progress, and will soon have lots of resources available. Keep an eye out for book recommendations, fun quizzes & surveys, a space to share & ask questions, games, and much more.

We can’t wait to see how God shows up in your relationships as you invite Him in!